Five exercises to help heal back pain

Exe Reporter
Authored by Exe Reporter
Posted Monday, May 16, 2016 - 10:54am

Back pain is seriously debilitating. More people take time off work because of back pain than any other ailment. In the short term, back pain can leave you in a lot of discomfort, but over the counter painkillers help. In more severe cases, back pain can cause sufferers to be practically bedridden for months.

There are many ways to manage back pain. Lumbar supports from are useful for people who have to spend a lot of time sitting in chairs or driving. Exercise is also very helpful, particularly if you work to strengthen your core muscles. Here are five exercises to help you heal your painful back.

Back pain is often caused by tight muscles in the lower back. Most of us spend too much time sitting in a chair, slumped over a keyboard. This stresses the back in ways that are completely unnatural and poor posture is a major contributory factor in persistent back pain. Stretching loosens up the muscles and relieves the pain.

Door Stretches

There is a quick and easy way to stretch out your back. All you need is a handy door frame. Reach up and grab hold of the upper section of door frame. Hold on tightly and raise your feet off the floor. Your body weight will stretch your back down and loosen up any tight, compressed muscles and discs. Relax into the stretch and feel the tension dissipate. Repeat several times, or until you feel some relief.

Lower Back Rotation

To do a lower back rotation, lie on your back with your arms outstretched and your knees bent. Gently roll your knees left and right whilst keeping your shoulders flat. This will stretch out both sides of your body.  Finish off this exercise with a butterfly stretch. This will help you stretch out both your lower back and hips.

Angry Cat

Get on your hands and knees with your head down and your bottom in the air. Arch your back like an angry cat, hold it for a few seconds, and then gently relax again. Repeat five times. This exercise stretches out the lower back muscles.

Yoga and Pilates

Yoga and Pilates are both excellent types of exercise if you suffer from back problems.

There are several yoga stretches for a bad back, so let your yoga teacher know you are having back issues at the start of the class so she/he can guide you appropriately.

Pilates improves strength and flexibility. It also improves posture by working on deeper postural muscles. Do make sure your teacher is a fully qualified Pilates’ instructor, as the wrong exercises can make back problems worse.


Swimming is good for relieving back pain. When you swim, the water supports your body weight, so no further stress is placed on an already sore back. Many people find swimming immensely relaxing when they have back pain, particularly if they swim backstroke.
Back pain is occasionally a sign of an underlying – and more serious – health problem, so if your back pain worsens or doesn’t go away, get it checked out by a doctor.

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