On 21 March 1941 a Hampden bomber crashed on Hameldown, near Widecombe-in-the-Moor, on its way back to base. Seventy years later John Lowe, a retired RAF policeman is trying to piece together the events of that night and reflect on the young aircrew who lost their lives.
Join him for an illustrated talk to discover the detective work he’s undertaken and find out how Moor than meets the eye has helped to undertake a geophysical survey to look more closely at the crash site.
This talk is free. There will be a short interval for refreshments during the evening. For more...
On 8 April 1944 a Lancaster from No 1 Finishing School RAF Hemswell piloted by ATA 2nd Officer Taniya Whittall crashed at Caistor in Lincolnshire killing all the occupants.
One of those on board was AC1 Alfred Spiller. He was subsequently returned home and buried in Exeter Higher Cemetery, Heavitree, Exeter
I am currently researching this crash and would like to make contact with any relatives of Mr Spiller.
If anyone can help, I can be contacted by email: ben.jacob1@btinternet.com