Exeter needs more space for walking and cycling
Exeter needs more space for walking and cycling, not cars.
We need a Green Recovery from the covid-19 crisis, including massive investment in walking, cycling and public transport infrastructure. The government’s decision to spend £27 billion on new road building is now clearly out of date - social distancing measures mean that we need more space for people to walk and cycle safely. Cities across the world, including Athens, Paris and Bristol, have recently announced plans to cut traffic, and pedestrianise areas of the city centre. Let’s do this here in Exeter as well. Exeter City Council has announced funding for new bike lanes, which is a great start, but we need more investment from central government to get these up and running across the city quickly.
I’d like to cycle to and from work but the lack of safe cycle routes, heavy traffic on narrow roads and air pollution put me off. I know Exeter has introduced a one-way system in Magdalen Road as part of its programme to boost walking and cycling in the city, which is a great start. However, there is so much more that could be achieved in order to have a positive impact on my family’s health and wellbeing.
That’s why I, alongside the Greenpeace Exeter Group, call on our city council to lobby government on the funding we need. It’s one of the easiest ways to tackle climate change, keep residents fit and healthy, and help re-build our local community after lockdown.
Josephine Adams
Stoke Canon, Exeter