L-R: Kate Payne, FSC Regional H&C Lead & FSC Slapton Centre Manager, David Persaud, Food For Life Served Here Development Manager (Midlands) at the Soil Association, Chris Berry-Roper, Head Chef FSC Nettlecombe Court and Mark Bolland, Director of Infrastructure at FSC.

Taste of success for outdoor education centre

Claire Small
Authored by Claire Small
Posted Sunday, July 14, 2019 - 6:01pm

An outdoor education centre in Devon is celebrating after being served up an award which recognises its commitment to providing fresh, healthy and nutritious meals to visitors.
The Field Studies Council (FSC) is a leading provider of outdoor education and welcomes in the region of 165,000 visitors a year to its 20 centres located up and down the UK.
The vast majority of visitors are primary and secondary school children undertaking residential field trips in science and geography.
The trips can vary in length from two days to a week and each centre provides on-site catering, using either home-grown or locally sourced produce, for schools during the field visit.
Staff at FSC Slapton, which is located in Devon, have now been recognised for the quality and freshness of the meals they supply by achieving the Food for Life Served Here Bronze Award from the Soil Association.
The award recognises catering departments in schools and other organisations such as the FSC which go the extra mile to make sure children are receiving healthy and nutritious meals.
Mark Bolland, director of infrastructure at FSC, said: “We are extremely proud to have achieved the Food For Life Served Here Bronze Award at FSC Slapton and across all our other centres in the UK.
“Our catering teams go to great lengths to make sure all meals are nutritious and healthy and prepared with fresh ingredients.
“This award is down to their continued hard work and commitment and demonstrates that our centres are part of a movement to lead the way in the provision of local, honest and sustainable meals.”
Ian Nutt, head of development at Food for Life, added: “Food For Life Served Here caterers are leading the way in improving food culture in schools and other organisations. 
“Achieving the award is a fantastic accomplishment and a true reflection of a caterer’s commitment to serving meals which are nutritious as well as tasty.
“We know that good food is a crucial part of the day for youngsters and with fresh, healthy meals being served, students are equipped with the fuel they need for their learning and development.”

FSC is an ambassador for improving environmental understanding in communities across the UK and is taking the lead when it comes to reducing the impact of its centres on the environment.
By the end of next year its sites will have phased out single use plastics and is on target to have reduced its carbon footprint by 40 per cent and to net-zero by 2030.
Furthermore it is committed to safeguarding and enhancing the biodiversity of the land it manages and is stringent when it comes to applying environmental and ethical criteria to the procurement of goods and services.
For further information about FSC visit the website https://www.field-studies-council.org/

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