Devon Cycle Challenge launches
People across the county are being invited to take part in the Devon Cycle Challenge which starts next week.
Devon County Council is working with Love to Ride, as part of the National Cycle Challenge, to launch the new initiative which is aiming to get more people in Devon on their bikes.
The event is a fun, free and sociable competition which is open to all local organisations and businesses, to see who can get the most people cycling between Monday 8 June and Sunday 28 June.
Everyone who registers online and logs a cycle ride of at least 10 minutes during the challenge will be in the running to win a range prizes which include a brand new hybrid bike, experience days and tickets for an RSPB Avocet cruise along the Exe Estuary. Participants will also be entered into a national prize draw and could win a trip to New Zealand, Copenhagen and Holland.
The Devon Cycle Challenge is part of the County Council’s work to boost economic growth, reduce carbon emissions and improve public health by inspiring Devon residents to travel sustainably. The work is funded by the Department for Transport as part of the Local Sustainable Transport Fund.
Councillor Stuart Hughes, Devon County Council Cabinet member with responsibility for cycling, said: “The Devon Cycle Challenge presents a fresh and creative opportunity to further increase the growing number of cyclists in Devon. The nature of the challenge is not about who can cycle the most miles, but who can encourage the most people to give cycling a go.
“Devon is a cycling county so our involvement in the National Cycle Challenge makes sense on so many levels. It is a great chance for people who may not cycle regularly to experience Devon’s expanding cycle network, which provides a variety of routes and paths, showcasing our county’s wonderful environment and scenery.
“It’s also an opportunity to highlight the many benefits of cycling; it will improve the health of those who participate, it can help ease congestion and improve the environment. Hopefully we can get more people cycling more often by signing up to the challenge and finding out that cycling can make the daily commute enjoyable rather than a chore.”
To encourage workplaces to take part, Travel Devon is offering dedicated support with cycle maps, cycling-themed employer events and Dr Bike sessions.