Police target motorists who flout traffic laws
Officers from the Devon and Cornwall Police roads policing team are out again this week in unmarked cars targeting motorists who flout traffic laws, in an effort to help keep our roads safe.
This continued proactive activity, where earlier in the month police were primarily targeting mobile phone use while driving, is focusing on the fatal four offences: speed, seat-belts, driver distractions and driving while under the influence of drink or drugs.
Excess speed continues to be a problem, with a number of motorists stopped in the last few weeks for driving at speeds in excess of 95mph. At this time of the year, with worsening driving conditions, police want to ask drivers to be sensible, not to take unnecessary risks and be considerate to other road users.
For example on Friday (25 November) police stopped a motorbike doing a recorded speed of 142 mph on the A38 near the Deep Lane junction, near Plympton.
Roads Policing Inspector Pete Thomas said: “There is no excuse for travelling at such ridiculous speeds. Public highways are not a racetrack. This behaviour is reckless and puts other road users and themselves at risk.”
In another incident a car driver was seen joining the A30 from the M5 at junction 29. This driver (pictured) was stopped by police and has been reported for other offences including no insurance, no tax, not wearing a seat-belt and the car had two bald tyres. The car has been seized and if collected will need to be put on a trailer due to having illegal tyres.
Inspector Thomas said: “Please don’t risk it – people are killed and seriously injured on our roads. It devastates families. Please drive sensibly, don’t take risks, be patient and allow a little extra time for journeys. Leave ample space to the vehicle in front and make sure you are road legal. We want people to have a safe and happy Christmas and I would be delighted if my staff have a quiet Christmas on the roads of Devon and Cornwall.”