5 ways to enhance the office with digital signage
As covid-19 restrictions continue to ease over time, many organisations are starting to encourage their employees to return to the office this September. Placing digital screens and dashboards in lobbies and receptions can be a great way to brighten up your office in time for their return since they are the initial thing visitors and employees see. Whether you plan to adopt a hybrid working style or heading back to the office full-time, check out our top 5 ways to enhance your office with digital signage to allure your team back to the office.
Display current news, website and social media feed using a live wall
In the current climate of the covid-19 pandemic where guidelines and restrictions are always changing, many employees will value a news and social media live wall that keeps them in the loop throughout the workday. There are also displays with moderation and customisation features that allow you to display a social media wall on digital signage by collecting your up to date social media feed for you. This will help your employees and visitors keep up to date with your social media and website activities. This is a great way to enhance your office with digital signage because social media has become a significant part of our lives these days. You can also showcase customer, employees and ex-employees reviews for your visitors that will be returning to the office too.
Showcase and celebrate company and employees’ achievements
Digital signage can be used to display different teams, regions or parts of the business’ achievements with all your employees. This can help enhance the office because it provides you with an opportunity to show gratitude and recognise employee’s contributions to the company’s success. Research suggests that around 37% of employees prefer recognition compared to 12% who prefer receiving autonomy, 7% wanted to be paid more and only 4% said a promotion. This shows that using digital signage to recognise employee achievement would be a great way to enhance your office because it provides a healthy work environment with valued employees who are 60% more motivated to work harder.
Use digital signage to engage your employees
Organisations can increase employee engagement using digital signage to help them enjoy work and perform better. Increasing employee engagement is important because research shows that around 71% of executives say that it is vital to their company’s success. You can use digital signage to express to your employees how valuable they are to the business by showcasing their achievements and pictures to celebrate team members of the month or birthdays. This helps employees stay motivated to perform better because it shows they aren’t just workers but individuals valued members of the organisation. Digital signage can also be used for team social events to play music, host quizzes or ice-breaking sessions to introduce new team members or lighten up the mood on a Friday evening.
Revolutionise your internal and external communications game using digital signage
With many organisations adopting a hybrid working style for at least the foreseeable future, screens that can be used for video calling will provide efficient and effective communication tools for your team. Digital signage can also be used by various departments such as the Human resources department to keep employees updated with all the current policies and events. This will help to enhance the office by providing a better work environment as this increases the chances of the current activities being noticed compared to the most common and traditional methods of using email, intranet, posters, social media and internal messaging. Since 78% of companies don’t use digital signage to communicate with their employees even though digital media in public places reaches more consumers than videos online, this can be an effective way of enhancing your office.
Use digital signage to showcase perks and facilities that entice employees to work in the office.
Digital screens can help you highlight office perks such as a restaurant or gym to allure employees back to the office. Using digital billboards can help bring your food menu or gym classes to life. Research has shown that remote working is one of the most desirable employee benefits and many employees want to continue working remotely to a certain degree after the pandemic, so making full-time office work desirable for most again will take some creativity. Nonetheless, onsite gym, free workout classes, team events and free food are also among the most desirable employee benefits that would entice employees to return to the office.