School construction care wins National Gold Award
BAM Construction - Western Ltd, the contractors responsible for building the new Montgomery Primary School in Revers Road, St Thomas, have won a prestigious National Gold Award from the Considerate Constructors Scheme.
The annual awards, run by the Scheme, recognise the highest levels of consideration and care shown by construction sites throughout the UK towards their local neighbourhood, the general public, site staff and the environment. Only 77 UK sites achieved the gold standard this year from over 7000, making this site’s achievement particularly significant.
Highlights from the site’s exceptional performance included the many learning opportunities offered to the previous school, especially on environmental themes. Amongst a range of initiatives established in conjunction with teachers and outside agencies, the project management team arranged energy assemblies and workshops, created a site 'wormery', helped to form wildlife and other green areas, installed bat boxes and built bird tables from salvaged fencing material. Amongst a wide range of goodwill gestures, BAM also provided volunteers together with Portaloos, traffic cones, barrier tape, and high-viz jackets for the safe execution of the Friends of Montgomery School firework display.
In addition, drop-in meetings to update on site progress were supplemented by the provision of free advice on domestic DIY and building projects, resulting in excellent dialogue with all site neighbours and the local community.
At a glittering ceremony held at the Plaisterers Hall in London, the award was presented by Diana Montgomery, Chief Executive of the Construction Products Association, to members of the BAM site team.
Commenting on the win, Chairman of the Considerate Constructors Scheme David Watson said:
“Once again, and despite these tough times for our industry, many sites have not only maintained standards, but surpassed what has been achieved in previous years. I congratulate all those who have been nominated for an award and for their contribution towards improving the image of construction.”
If you would like to know more about the Considerate Constructors Scheme click here.
Click here for more information on BAM Construction - Western Ltd.
And to find out more about Montgomery Primary School click here.