Record numbers of pupils to attend Waste Summit
A record number of Devon students are expected at this year’s Waste Summit, which takes place later this month.
Around 100 pupils from eight secondary schools are due to attend the 13th annual Waste Summit which will be held at County Hall on Thursday 26 March.
This free event is part of Devon County Council’s waste education programme and is aimed at Devon’s Secondary Schools to increase students’ awareness of the impacts of wasting resources. This year’s summit will explore everything from materials for mobile phones and the role of energy from waste plants.
Pupils will have the opportunity to explore waste and its wider implications for the environment and society.
Councillor Roger Croad, Devon County Council Cabinet Member for Environment and Communities, said: “The Waste Summit is always well supported and gets a good response from everyone who takes part. It’s that consistently positive feedback that demonstrates the genuine interest in the environment and waste among pupils. The event provides a thought-provoking look at issues that affect our environment while encouraging pupils to reduce, reuse and recycle their otherwise waste material.”
Students will be encouraged to bring a waste-free packed lunch, with the winning school receiving a £100 cheque, kindly sponsored by SITA.
Further details can be found at the dedicated Schools Waste Education website at