In the High and Far Off Times...
“In the High and Far Off Times...” Rudyard Kipling’s animals, directed by Alistair Ganley
“In the High and Far off Times …” brings favourite tales from Rudyard Kipling’s Jungle Book and Just So Stories to vibrant life in a playful new production.
Alistair Ganley Cygnet Theatre’s Artistic Director, whose devised productions (More Grimms Tales, Trolls, Memories of Childhood / Trinity (exe-treme imagination festivals 2013 & 2014) have enthralled audiences at Cygnet Theatre and beyond for nearly thirty years, has selected and devised this production to delight and entertain children of all ages. Come and join in the fun!
You are invited to cheer as Rikki-Tikki-Tavi takes on Nag and Nagaina, in a dramatic fight for survival. Then indulge your ‘satiable curtiosity’ as we travel around the world to discover “How the Rhinoceros got his Skin”, “The beginnings of the Armadillos”, “How the Camel got his Hump” and “How the Elephant got his Trunk”.
Fnd out how it all happened … Just So!
Shows on January 21 22 23 28 29 30 at 7pm and Januarhy 23 & 30 at 3pm.
Tickts: £10 (£6 child), £26 family (4 tickets of which maximum 2 adults).
Suitable children aged seven plus.
Box Office: 01392 277189 / 01392 665885