View The UK's Most Popular Animated Films of All-Time: Beauty and The Beast Puts Exeter on The Map
London animation studio Lumiere Studios has created a map of the UK showcasing the most searched animated films of all-time in different places.
Their study used Google Search Data to locate which towns and cities searched for the most popular animated films the most - and the results were rather surprising!
As you can see, over the past 12 years Exeter has searched for Beauty And The Beast more than any other place in the UK. Clearly Exonains have a soft spot for romance and dancing cutlery.
Plymouth also scored top popularity marks for Finding Nemo, which shows that these seaside dwellers love the ocean even in animated form!
"For a bit of fun we wanted to see if any places in the UK had notably favourite animated films based on their Google search habits. When we started researching we realised that the data was so strong that we could create a whole map of the nation scattered with different popular films, and some of the data was really surprising. For example, we didn't think that Toy Story would be so popular in Birkenhead specifically!
It just goes to show, when it comes to animated films, people are very loyal to their favourites." - Lumiere Studios