Two Saturday Art Club sessions still to come at Spacex

For the past few weeks Saturday mornings at Spacex have been busy as Art Club children try out activities that link to their current exhibition. Children have made words with food, created wild, large-scale drawings and doodled imaginary creatures. Spacex was also helping to keep kids entertained this half term at their Big Draw event on 30th October.


If you think this sounds like fun, then there are still two Art Club sessions left on 10th and 17th November.


11am–1pm, ages 6–11, children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult.

Cost: £5 per session or £12 for 3, includes materials and refreshments.


10 November — Rattle, Bang, Whirr Animate colourful shapes and patterns to a soundtrack of industrial noise.


17 November — River of Words Work with others to make a huge river of writing in the gallery based on your innermost thoughts and dreams.

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