Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall supports energy-switching scheme, Exeter Together

People only have a few days left to take advantage of Exeter's energy-switching scheme, Exeter Together, and make savings on their energy bills. The scheme closes at midnight on Sunday 17 March.

Launched by Exeter City Council, Exeter Together is helping people from Exeter and surrounding areas save an average of £220 on their fuel bills by joining the innovative collective switching scheme.

The campaign has gained support from the likes of Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and Ben Bradshaw MP, as well as leading regional businesses including the Met Office and Source for Business, both of which have encouraged employees to find out more about the campaign and how they could save money.

Thousands of switches are predicted during the final days and Exeter City Council is urging those thinking about switching to ‘act now, before it is too late!’

Cllr Rachel Sutton, Lead Councillor for Sustainable Development and Transport, said: “The 17 March date is non-moveable and it is the last day for people to sign up to Exeter Together to make potential savings on their home energy bills. Everyone has the right to switch energy suppliers, but unfortunately not enough people do this, for many reasons such as not knowing how to go about it, or thinking it will take too much time. Latest statistics show that around 50% of the UK’s population do not switch, which is a shame given that energy bills signify one of the biggest household expenses.

“Although average savings equate to around £220 per household, one person has saved over £800 through the Exeter Together scheme, and when you think it only takes around five minutes to register, it is not a bad time investment!”

The straight-forward registration process consists of people calling or logging onto the website with their utility bill to hand, and going through the step-by-step process.

“People are under no obligation to switch and it is clearly explained whether the end user is better to stay with their current provider, or whether they will benefit from switching to the Exeter Together scheme. People will instantly receive a collectively purchased energy offer,” added Cllr Sutton.

Exeter Together has also put together a short video, viewable from its website,, and in this Cllr Rachel Sutton explains a bit more about the campaign and the registration options available for people to see whether they could save on their energy bills.

Further help is at hand for older people requiring assistance with registration, who can contact Age UK Exeter (01392 202092) to make an appointment to see an adviser at the charity’s centre in Cowick Street, Exeter. Alternatively, people can also visit the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) on King William Street, Exeter, each weekday afternoon (except Wednesday) between 1pm-3pm where help is on offer for people who might need additional assistance using the Exeter Together website.

People are advised to bring their latest fuel bill so that staff can help people make the comparison and the CAB will also be helping clients who book advice appointments to understand the scheme and the financial benefits it may bring them.

The Exeter Together team will also be in Bedford Square, Exeter, on Saturday 16 March and ‘Switch’, a fully interactive robot, will be joining them. ‘Switch’ promises to entertain the crowds by singing and dancing and the Exeter Together team state the robots rendition of ‘The Final Countdown’ by Europe is sure to be on the playlist.

The Exeter Together team will be handing out leaflets and answering questions and Exeter City Council is urging anyone interested to pop along and speak to one of the knowledgeable team.

Ben Bradshaw MP joined the Exeter Together team on one of the days it took its tour bus on a week-long roadshow around the city. He comments: “It was great to meet so many people interested in the scheme. Exeter Together could potentially help so many local people save money off their utility bills and I would urge everyone to log on to the site or call the free phone number to see whether they could benefit from the collective switching scheme.

“It is really important people spread the word and encourage friends and family members to register, as the window to switch will be closing at midnight on 17 March.”

Although called Exeter Together, switching is available to everyone in Devon and further afield, and campaigners are urging anyone who has not looked at their utility bills for a while to see whether they could save through the scheme. It's also wise to consider looking into utility bill management services that can properly and efficiently manage your utility bills for you.

To get involved visit with a copy of your energy bill, register your details and instantly receive a collectively purchased energy offer from Exeter Together.

The deadline to switch closes at midnight on Sunday 17 March. You can also call free on 0800 542 0204 or 0207 911 6479 from a mobile. Free help is also available at Exeter Civic Centre during weekdays, until the switch window closes.

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