Indoor athletics winter fun in Exeter

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Wednesday, October 21, 2015 - 4:43pm

Back by demand, starting this half term are the ever-popular winter Sportshall sessions, hosted by the the award winning South West Athletics Academy. 

Hugely popular with children between the ages of four and 14, Sportshall adapts outdoor athletics for all year round indoor participation with lots of specialised equipment available for children to use - light up sparkly shot puts, turbo javelins, racing hurdles and speed bounce are just a few of the activities children love to try.

Sonya Ellis, Director of Coaching at the Academy said: “Sportshall is a fantastic way for children to experience lots of different athletic activities under one roof. There are so few ways for children to be introduced to athletics so this is an exciting way for them to try it all out.”

Children will receive instruction from qualified coaches via a fun and exciting programme that will improve children’s core sporting skills.

They will also be encouraged to get involved in mini competitions for the opportunity to receive an award badge and certificate at the end.

As a fully inclusive club children of all abilities are welcome. Working in small groups for different age ranges, everybody feels comfortable joining in and as much cheering as the children can manage is encouraged.

At Riverside Leisure Centre, Exeter EX4 1AF between 10am-11.30am sessions are on

  • Sunday 1st November
  • Sunday 13th December
  • Saturday 30th January


  • Pre-booked via website - £5 per child
  • On the day - £7 per child

Everyone is welcome to come along and have some fun, wear a normal PE kit with trainers, just bring a drink and bags of energy!

For full details and booking visit

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