Families Enjoy a Big Wild Summer together at RSPB Aylesbeare
The summer holidays are here, beckoning us to grab the sun cream and explore the great outdoors with our families. RSPB Aylesbeare nature reserve in Devon, is inviting families to enjoy a Big Wild Summer by hosting a series of fun, nature-themed activities for families to discover nature at their local RSPB reserve and all to celebrate Heath Week.
From, Pond Dipping to Nightjar Walks and exploring for Things with Wings - RSPB Aylesbeare can help the whole family spend precious time together, reconnect with nature, and make happy memories outdoors.
Event details
In Celebration of Heath Week 2023 come and learn how to Pond Dip like a Pro on RSPB Aylesbeare Common on Wednesday 26 July. The day is split into three sessions, 10.30-12 noon, 12.30pm-2.00pm or 2.30pm-4.00pm, which can be selected when booking your tickets.
Take a fun tractor trailer ride down to Five Ponds to discover pondlife of all shapes and sizes that make their home in our wondrous waterways. Our guides will be on-hand to help your family have a fun and educational experience. Who can find the longest, cutest, or strangest creature!?
On Thursday 27 July come and join us in search of Things with Wings. Did you know that RSPB Aylesbeare boasts one of the largest numbers of butterfly species of any RSPB reserve? The woodland fringes, streams and ponds are bursting with butterflies, dragonflies, and damselflies. Help us spot and learn about many different kinds of insects on the wing during summer. We will be visiting some areas not normally open to public access.
The day is split into two sessions, 10.30am-12noon or 1.30pm-3.00pm, which can be selected when booking your tickets.
Join us for an evening of Bats, Moths, and Nightjars on Friday 28 July, 9.15pm-11.00pm. Help our experienced guides to set up moth traps, use bat detectors to see which bats are swooping above your head and learn more about the amazing Nightjar before they fly back to Africa with their young.
Enjoy a special evening on our Nightjar Walk with our experienced guide looking and listening for the evocative Nightjar, on Saturday 30 July, 9.15pm-10.45pm. Listen for the strange 'churring' noise they make. If we are lucky, we may witness the unusual wing clapping behaviour.
For all events meet at the entrance to Aylesbeare Common opposite, Joney’s Cross car park.
To book / contact: events.rspb.org.uk/aylesbearecommon, or for further information email aylesbeare.common@rspb.org.uk
Venue: RSPB Aylesbeare Common, , Joney’s Cross car park. (This is off the A3052 opposite Aylesbeare Common entrance - SY 057897)
Matt Edwards, Visitor Operations Manager for the RSPB in Devon, said: “We’re really excited to welcome families to RSPB Aylesbeare for a summer of fun, nature-themed activities, to celebrate Heath Week. As we all make the most of the countryside, we’re also asking visitors to help our ground nesting birds by watching their step. Over half of England’s most threatened breeding birds nest on or near the ground, and our nature reserves are a safe space for many of them. We’re reminding visitors to please stick to the reserve footpaths, keep dogs on a lead, and please take any litter home. If we work together, we can create some wonderful memories in nature and help protect it at the same time.”
Connect your family with nature for free
Whether exploring nature in your garden, local area or an RSPB Reserve, the RSPB’s free award scheme Wild Challenge can help your family to spend more time in nature and help wildlife too. Simply register and pick activities from wildflower walks to building a minibeast hotel - there’s plenty to inspire! Find out more at rspb.org.uk/wildchallenge
Rosalind Allen, RSPB Education and Families Development Officer, describes: “With the high costs of living many parents are keen to find affordable ways to have fun, quality family time over the summer. Fortunately, the RSPB’s FREE Wild Challenge scheme includes 30 nature-based activities, inspiring families to get closer to nature, discover ways to help it, and earn awards at the same time.”
“The FREE RSPB Wild Challenges are flexible, and you can do many of the low or no cost activities in your local area or your garden, so no need to cover the cost of travel. By completing three Wild Challenge activities to ‘Experience Nature’ and three to ‘Help Nature’ you can progress through a Wild Challenge Award level. Whether you achieve bronze, silver or gold, the most important thing is to have fun together as a family discovering and helping the incredible nature living around you in Dorset.”