Five Nations Parade to make its way through Exeter

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Friday, October 9, 2015 - 4:03pm

The spectacular Exeter Rugby Five Nations Parade will make its way through Exeter city centre tomorrow (Saturday 10 October).

The Parade will assemble on Cathedral Green, before leaving at 1.15pm to process along the High Street to the Fanzone in Northernhay Gardens.

A choreographed finale moment will take place in the Fanzone before the start of the Samoa v Scotland match at 2.30pm.

The parade is themed on the cultural traditions of the five nations visiting Exeter for the Rugby World Cup: Italy, Tonga, Namibia, Georgia and Romania.

The project, which is led by Walk the Plank, involves over 200 youngsters from Exeter. 

Walk the Plank will heading back to Exeter on Saturday October 31 to showcase a musical and explosive end to Exeter Fanzone.

This Parade and Exeter Fanzone Finale are being supported by England 2015, National Lottery through Arts Council England and Unexpected Exeter City Council’s festival of outdoor performance and visual arts.

For further information can be found here

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