Job hunting on the High Street

Huw Oxburgh
Authored by Huw Oxburgh
Posted Tuesday, November 26, 2013 - 3:20pm

A homeless man in Exeter’s city centre has been attracting some attention for his imaginative approach to job hunting.

Ken Jones, 44, accompanied by his German Shepherd Bailey is refusing to take any cash from charitable passers-by and is instead looking for employment.

Holding a sign reading “Have you any work 4 me? Farm-Labour, Industrial Cleaning, Re-Cycling, Demolition, Builders Prep, will do Night watch” 

Ken said: “I’d like to get a place on a farm for the winter. Get work and a place to stay. I’m from a farming background originally, from Wales.

“I’m living at a squatter’s camp at the moment but I don’t spend much time there as I’m looking for work round here.

“Hopefully I’ll have some luck when the farmer’s market comes in on Thursday.”

Ken has travelled across much of Wales and the South of England looking for available work.

In Cardiff a few weeks ago a chance meeting with a student saw Ken and his friend Ron Rogers, 40 become a local twitter sensation as locals spread the word about their job hunt.

Ken’s friend found work shortly afterwards  but Ken is still searching.

If you have any work for Ken or know someone who might. Ken can be found on near the Exeter Guildhall.


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