Aligning Your Culture with Your Leadership and Your Strategy
Does your culture influence your organisation's leadership?
Do you take your culture into account when designing your future strategy?
A business that aligns it's culture with its leadership and strategy is one that is destined to succeed, particularly if it is also in tune with the environment it exists within.
This session will allow you to understand the importance of culture, leadership and strategy to your business and the benefits that aligning them will bring to your business in terms of competitive advantage.
This session will enable attendees to:
* Understand what culture is and how to influence it
* Understand how to change a culture
* Define an organisation's leadership style
* Understand the different leadership styles and how they impact upon an organisation
* Understand the importance of strategic design
* Recognise the benefits of strategic alignment
The Sampson Hall team are dynamic, knowledgeable and inspiring presenters. The breakfast session will be interactive and you will be surrounded by like-minded individuals. You will come away enthused and energised. Interaction and learning from one another is positively encouraged.
You will see return on investment from attending this session as you will return to your workplace with tools that you will be able to utilise and use immediately.
“Sampson Hall are inspirational in leading our charge into greater prosperity and fulfilment.”
Malcolm Randall, MD Build Consultants, Exeter
Book Now as places limited for interaction and discussion.
Full Price £40 + VAT
Early bird prices available.
Price includes refreshments, A la carte breakfast and all course materials.
Click here to watch our Strategic Business Breakfast series video.