New historical riction about Exeter heroine - Elsie Knocker

 'The War Nurses' is the debut novel by Lizzie Page, released by Bookouture in April 2018. 

'The War Nurses' is based on the incredible Elsie Knocker from Exeter and her friend, Mairi Chisholm from Cheddington. When the First World war broke out, Elsie and Mairi volunteered for an ambulance corp. Concerned that they needed to get closer to the action, the moved to a cellar house in Pervyse just yards from the Western Front. They were there for three and a half years and saved hundreds of lives and were ultimately honoured by the Belgian Govt. They had to support themselves which they did by fund-raising and they were the most photographed women of the time. 

'The War Nurses' is a fictionalized account of their tumultous relationship and is the first in a trilogy of books about the lives of women in The Great War.

Here's the amazon link:


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