Office team celebrating 25 years

25 volunteer days up for grabs as Optix celebrates milestone anniversary

Sue Cade
Authored by Sue Cade
Posted Monday, July 8, 2024 - 11:55am

Exeter digital marketing specialist Optix Solutions is marking its 25th anniversary with a very special pledge.

Each member of staff will be given a day over the next 12 months to use for volunteering with a local charity or CIC.

Optix MD Rob Stevens explained: “The idea struck us as an especially positive way to mark this really important milestone - and fittingly, we have 25 members of staff!

“At the heart of our business is a genuine commitment to social responsibility; we’re currently supporting a local charity pro bono with rebranding and website work and providing mentoring for another charity which promotes social mobility for young people. All Optix staff align with our core philosophy, and with this initiative we’re giving them all the opportunity to get involved.”

Rob added that while some of the team already have charities close to their hearts they will want to volunteer with, Optix is keen to hear from other charities or CICs who would appreciate an extra pair of hands for a day.

“We know there are so many ways volunteers help out – whether it’s sorting through donations, assisting in a kitchen, stewarding at an event or even digging over a vegetable patch. We’ll fulfil as many requests as we can.”

Optix was founded in July 1999 by friends Alastair Banks and James Dawkins, who met at the University of Exeter and who are both still very much involved with the company. Reaching this 25 year milestone is a notable achievement, especially as Optix has never sought external funding, but instead remained in private ownership.

The company has weathered several major challenges over the years, from the Recessions of 2008 and 2023 to the massive impact of the pandemic, during which the business successfully battened down the hatches so it could retain all its employees.

Rob says “We came out the other side of the pandemic as a much stronger entity, and the past couple of years have seen us achieve impressive results, developing a strong portfolio of both national and global clients.”

As well as the charitable pledge, anniversary celebration plans include a friends and family day to be held at The Forge at Winslade Manor later this month.

Any Exeter charities or CICs who would appreciate a volunteer for the day should email or call 01392 667766.

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