What Are We Giving Back?
Here at The Plum Consultancy we were recently discussing the Giving Pledge initiative founded by Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, in which the world’s wealthiest individuals pledge to dedicate the majority of their wealth to philanthropy. This elite set has recently been joined by the first person from India - Azim Preji, the chairman of the Technology company Wipro whose net worth is estimated at $16 billion. This is welcome news as the divide between rich and poor continues to grow especially in countries across Asia.
‘Corporate responsibility’ has also become high on the world’s social agenda as the likes of Unilever with their Sustainable Development Overview (first started in 2009), commits to ‘Creating a Better Future Every Day’ with a level of insight to the company’s sustainable living and economic development setting the tone for the rest of the corporate giants operating throughout the world today.
So, what you might say, has this got to do with us at the bottom end of the feeding chain? Social Entrepreneurship – that’s what! No matter how small or big we are, it’s good to have a moral compass – one that finds ways of giving back, whether it’s to your local community, a worthy charity or a philanthropic project – the Feel Good factor. Supporting a trek for charity, a marathon runner, or your local youth sports club. It gives you another reason to get up in the morning and another interest in those around you. We may not be able to make big changes like the Bill Gates and the Richard Bransons of this world but each of us can make small but significant changes to people’s lives around us. Schools, clubs and charities, to name but a few, are crying out for sponsorships and even if we get involved in a small way, their appreciation will be great and our interest in them will grow through our support. So make a pledge, a Giving Pledge, whether it’s time or money, and let’s make a difference today!
For more information about sponsorship opportunities please contact The Plum Consultancy on 01392 421323, www.theplumconsultancy.com or follow on twitter @PlumConsultancy and as part of our Giving Pledge, take advantage of our FREE 30 minute consultation on any area of Marketing, PR, Advertising or Media Solutions help that you may need.