Headway Devon’s popular Spring Fayre and Coffee Morning will be returning to the Open Door Centre on Church Street in Exmouth on Thursday 2nd April. Organised by the charity’s Exmouth centre for people with acquired brain injuries, the event will run from 10.30am-2.30pm and is open to all.
Centre manager, Diana Russell, says, “This regular event in Headway Devon’s fundraising calendar will offer something for the whole family. As well as teas, coffees and delicious homemade cakes there will also be a charity raffle, which has a great range of prizes to win”
The Family Law Company’s Domestic Violence and Private Law Children Team held a coffee and cake afternoon to raise funds for two local organisations: SAFE (Stop Abuse for Everyone) and Splitz Support Service.
Staff from the law firm baked cakes, and the catering equipment was donated by South West Events Hire. The event was well attended by members of the judiciary and Court Service, counsellors, financial advisers and local barristers and solicitors.
“We were delighted with the turnout of people keen to get behind these much-needed services,” said The Family Law Company...