The Exmouth Players presents “Rough Justice”, a Courtroom Drama by Terence Frisby at The Blackmore Theatre in Bicton Street, Exmouth, from Monday 25th through to Saturday 30th September 2017, to include a Matinee performance on the Saturday. Evening performances are at 7.30pm – Matinee starts at 2.30pm.
A play that makes you think. Controversial? Yes. What would we do in such circumstances? In the dock, having admitted responsibility for the death of his severely incapacitated child, James Highwood, the host of a popular television program, British Justice?, conducts his own...
OPEN AUDITIONS For "ROUGH JUSTICE" A Courtroom Drama by Terence Frisby Director: Wendy Bishop Sunday, 11 June 2017 at 2.30 pm at The Blackmore Theatre Production Dates: Monday 25 – Saturday 30 September 2017 (including a matinee performance on the Saturday) Although the subject matter of this courtroom drama might be sensitive and controversial for some, the verbal skill of the writer is acerbic at times, periodically tender and certainly will tug at your heartstrings; as a whole it is altogether absorbing. As the Sunday Express critic observed “.. the courtroom interchanges positively...
This is a Pre-Audition Read Through to familiarise yourself with this sensitive and absorbing Courtroom Drama. This is open to both Members and Non-Members of The Exmouth Players. It is also open to all age groups. No prior acting experience is needed. Scripts will be provided. Just pop along and join in the fun of it all. This will commence at 7.30pm at The Blackmore Theatre.