For many of you, this month is preparation for next month's festivities - a month filled with excitement and possibility. Maybe you are attending your prom and are dreaming of a spot-free month during one of the most stressful months of your life. The problem is, relying on toothpaste to dab on spots for a last-minute miracle is a disaster waiting to happen. Believe it or not, your problem might not be too much salt or chocolate after all—it may simply be a matter of clogged pores, bacteria and stressed skin. Lucky for you, Purity Boutique Spa are presenting their Skin Angels who will...
May, love is in the air and brides are getting gorgeous for their upcoming wedding dates. Choosing the makeup and hairstyle for your wedding day is a huge dilemma for many brides. Here are some key factors to keep in mind before you beg your makeup-artist and hairstylist to transform you into Keira Knightly or Kate Winslet for a day you will never get back.
Remain true to what you normally look like, accentuated.
True beauty is unique to each and every one of us. Channeling a celebrity's identity is an insult to your own special kind of beauty. Allow the makeup-artist...
59 is the age pin-pointed by a survey as THE year to start growing old gracefully. The survey also reveals that women are eschewing cosmetic surgery and fillers, and believe that heavy make-up and mini-skirts should be given the heave-ho by the early 40’s. With Christmas party dressing on most women’s agenda in the coming week, choosing your party outfit and make-up could be a minefield if you are over 40.
77 per cent of those polled in the South West say women should grow old gracefully and not do everything they can to look younger.
It's an honour to announce that Mariam Badavi has been nominated for the well-deserved Venus Awards - Devon 2013 for Employer of the Year, sponsored by Cathedral Appointments.
Even after seven months of personal setbacks, she got right back up and displays inspiring strength as a businesswoman and mother. She balances her role as a mother to her family and as owner and director of Purity Boutique Spa with grace and vigour.
While making sure to put her clients' needs and expectations first, she creates a loving environment for her beauty and skincare staff who are happy to...