
Back to school tips for teens

Back to school means getting into a routine so that your skin looks its best. Sure, it will take some work but you can't expect to eat junk and suddenly wake up to a ravishing complexion! Here are a few tips to keep in mind while you embark on your studies. 1. Wash your face with an acne-fighting cleanser twice in the morning and twice in the evening and each time you sweat, such as after the gym. Just be sure to follow with a moisturiser since removing too much oil can result in your skin overproducing oil to compensate breaking you out further! A moisturiser specifically geared...

The Skin Angels go on tour

​If you missed our last Skin Angels event, here's your chance to catch up on the action and see what you've missed! The Skin Angels of Purity Boutique Spa of Exeter will make an encore appearance on Cathedral Green on 20 July from 1pm-4pm. ​Carl Rimmer, Vice President of the Skin Angels and Exeter Chiefs star will be on the Green!

The angels will be handing out sunscreen top ups and general skincare advice — so feel free to ask about your latest skin concern or problem! Do you need help with choosing sunscreen that won't break you out? Are you looking for more...

The Skin Angels on tour

Event Date: 
20/07/2013 - 1:00pm
Cathedral Green, Exeter

​If you missed our last Skin Angels event, here's your chance to catch up on the action and see what you've missed! The Skin Angels of Purity Boutique Spa of Exeter will make an encore appearance on Cathedral Green on 20 July 20 between 1pm and 4pm. ​Carl Rimmer, Vice President of the Skin Angels and Exeter Chiefs star will be on the Green. The angels will be handing out sunscreen top ups and general skincare advice so feel free to ask about your latest skin concern or problem!

Do you need help with choosing sunscreen that won't break you out? Are you looking for...

What is TEEN Beauty?

Let's face it—teens are overwhelmed with pressure by mates, classmates and themselves to look like unrealistic representations of people who should not be role models. Whether they are trying to copycat the makeup look of a reality show sexpot or watching the most recent video of their favourite pop star's lyrical exploration about sex, many teens are just following the crowd—and looking much older than they should. Many teens and adults alike don't realise that these celebrity 'ideals' of beauty go through hours upon hours of skin treatments, skincare, hair and...

See Spots Run

You would think with all the spot products and vanishing creams on the market, we would see clearer faces in the hallways of high schools and secondary schools.

The problem is, most teenagers don't think about taking care of their skin. They think they and their bodies are invincible but the truth is, if acne is left untreated it's easy to pick at a spot and cause even more damage or worse - end up with scars for life. The good news is that acne is treatable and you don't need harsh chemicals to get the job done.

The first step is cleansing not only the skin, but deep down...

Meet the SkinAngels with a helping hand from the Exeter Chiefs!

Event Date: 
07/06/2013 - 11:00am to 3:00pm
Exeter Cathedral Green

For many of you, this month is preparation for next month's festivities - a month filled with excitement and possibility. Maybe you are attending your prom and are dreaming of a spot-free month during one of the most stressful months of your life. The problem is, relying on toothpaste to dab on spots for a last-minute miracle is a disaster waiting to happen. Believe it or not, your problem might not be too much salt or chocolate after all—it may simply be a matter of clogged pores, bacteria and stressed skin. Lucky for you, Purity Boutique Spa are presenting their Skin Angels who will...