





I am running the 2023 London marathon alongside my brother Matthew in memory of our dad Vincent Obrien, in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support who passed away last year at the age of 58. Our dad was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer during Christmas 2021 and passed away 3 months later. 

Our dad was also a keen runner, making this a fitting way to celebrate his life, whilst also helping to support others when they need it most which is why we have chosen Macmillan Cancer Support.

There are around 3 million people living with cancer today, and more than 360,000 people diagnosed every year. Macmillan is an amazing charity and supports families through emotional, mental, financial and healthcare support.

Join me on my journey by helping me achieve my target to make sure those affected by cancer get the support they need everyday.


Content by Jamesvobb1

Post date
London Marathon for Macmillan Cancer support 20/02/2023 - 3:42pm