Expression of interest event at RAF ST Mawgan
An Expression of Interest Event is due to be held at RAF St Mawgan on 13th June 2018. The event, held in partnership by RAF St Mawgan, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership (CIOS LEP) and ASP will provide an opportunity for those in attendance to view outline plans for an Aviation Academy to be created at RAF St Mawgan. The Academy will be one of a number of academies planned to be created at RAF sites nationally, being launched as part of the RAF 100 year. Attendees of the event will include local council representatives, industry contacts and educational professionals.
The planned academy will provide links within the aviation industry to local schools, colleges, training providers and universities. Formed in 2013, ASP is an independent organisation designed to make all aspects of aviation more accessible while addressing skills shortages within the industry. ASP works with various partners across the UK to help secure the next generation of pilots, air traffic controllers, engineers, airport operations staff and airline cabin crew. The academy will provide pathways, support and training within the Aviation, Aerospace and Space sectors, providing career paths from first aspiration through school, college and university to careers in industry. The Academy will develop a focus on pathways into the Space sector through ASP’s extended ‘six areas of Space’ Pathways & Programmes approach - linking to the Space action plan.
The event on 13th June will be all the more potent as the Royal Air Force celebrates its 100th birthday with RAF 100 events taking place across the country this year,” Witts concluded.
The event will be a key date in ensuring continued engagement with local education establishments and industry contacts regarding future plans at RAF St Mawgan. For further information on the Expression of Interest Event and on The Aviation Skills Partnership, please contact ASP General Manager South West, Amy Helm: