Sandy Park b2b Breakfast - 15th May2015
The guest speaker at the May b2b Business Breakfast is Phil Sampson, founder of Sampson Hall Ltd.
Former Royal Marine Phil is an expert strategist who has a deep understanding of strategy, leadership and organisational culture and how they influence organisational development.
Sampson Hall have successfully delivered Strategy and Governance packages into over 400 businesses both large and small, local and international and have worked in both the public and private sectors.
Sampson Hall are proven experts in delivering Cultural Change through Strategy and Leadership and have worked with multi-national corporations in delivering such transformation.
Phil will be speaking on the topc of 'Failure - how businesses use failure to become successful'.
The morning will begin with networking from 8.15am followed by a full English breakfast at 8.30am. Our speaker will commence at 9.00am and the morning will finish at approximately 9.45am.
Tickets for this event cost £22 and can be purchased -