A hat- trick of 'Outstanding' for local Adoption Agency
Devon-based, Families for Children Adoption, are delighted to announce that the Agency has been awarded ‘Outstanding’ following a recent OFSTED inspection. This is the third consecutive time the Agency has achieved the award since 2010.
Caroline Davis, CEO, comments, “It is a real achievement to be recognised as one of the UK’s most prominent Adoption Agencies in providing both pre and post adoption services which are second to none.
The Agency has worked incredibly hard and is dedicated to ensuring that the work we do is of the highest standard. Our children and families are of greatest importance to us and their comments to OFSTED are testament to the fantastic work of the whole staff team.
It is a huge achievement for everyone involved with the charity who have now been rewarded for the considerable efforts they make every day– a big thank you to everyone.”
OFSTED said, “The voluntary adoption agency provides highly effective services that consistently exceed the standards of good. The actions of the voluntary adoption agency contribute to significantly improved outcomes and positive experiences for children, young people and adults.”
This comes as Families for Children celebrate two significant milestones this year; 25 years as a charity and 70 years of holding adoption records.
The charity is one of the largest voluntary adoption agencies in the UK and has placed over 750 children across Devon, Cornwall, Dorset and Somerset.
Having recently launched their Atrium Adoption Support Service, the Agency can now offer bespoke packages of support to their families and children. The Agency recognises the challenges that face adopters and supports them through a range of therapeutic services and wraparound support to include training. Family support groups, telephone counselling and peer to peer support.
The charity is currently supporting over 150 families with their adoption support services. This is only set to grow with the increasing number of children being placed for adoption who will need additional support because of the effects of trauma during their early years. The Charity have to raise over £400,000 a year to be able to continue to support their families.
The Charity are currently appealing for adopters to come forward as they have seen a dramatic decline in numbers of potential adopters in the South West.
Jakki Parsons, Head of Operations says, “We are at a loss as to why we have so few enquiries about adoption across the South West at the moment. We are reminding people that as Local Authorities are regionalising their services in the South West people still have a choice as to who can take them through the adoption process. Families for Children is the alternative to the Local Authorities and we need adopters today.”
“There are a growing number of children of all ages waiting for adoptive families and we are urging people to call today!”
For further information about Families for Children, information on how to adopt or how you can help fundraise please contact them on 01364 645480