Alternatiba Festival in Exeter
A better life without fossil fuels: Is it possible? A group of community organizations in Exeter think it is.
In the lead up to the Paris climate change negotiations starting this month, Alternatiba Exeter is creating a ‘Village of Alternatives’ on Saturday 21st November, demonstrating how a low carbon life can also be better.
Local projects in energy and economics, health initiatives, community farms and others are coming together and inviting the public to come in and see. These will all be on show at Southernhay United Reformed Church Hall from 11am.
Rupert Read from the Greenhouse Think tank will speak at 11am on ‘The local economy we need and how to get it’.
There’ll also be stalls for Christmas trading (including the well known Christmas without Cruelty market in the Corn Exchange); or pick up some delicious local food, visit activities for children and more at Southernhay URC hall in Dix’s Field.
A different economy for land, people and planet will be the focus of drop in sessions at St Stephens on the High Street from 1.30 pm, with presentations on restoring money to democratic control, ways to avoid house prices and rent inflation, local renewable energy and more, with tea coffee and cake.